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UK in Private Security Recruitment Drive

Security demand is on the rise in the UK, however, reports are suggesting that over 62,000 new officers need to be recruited, trained and licensed by private security companies in order to meet this demand within the next 12 months. It is suggested by feedback from the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) members that almost 20,000 officers are likely to leave the industry as a result of retirement or displacement due to Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic, yet demand is only increasing.

Many individuals were placed on furlough during the pandemic and may have re-evaluated their career choice with workers looking for ‘more pay and less stress’ according to the Head of People & Culture at Expeditious Services. Here, we’re taking a look at the UK private security recruitment drive and what is being done by security companies to fill their private security job vacancies.

What’s Behind The Increase In Demand?

It is strongly believed within the industry that the large surge in demand for protection services comes as a direct result of the Government’s Protect Duty consultation. This has made it a legal requirement for businesses to provide security measures. This is due to come into force in 2023, meaning there is very limited time for the industry to hit this recruitment drive. Other reasons cited by BISA members include rising criminality rates across the UK, the ’substantial’ terror threat – the third highest threat level out of five.

The Government’s Protect Duty was introduced in the aftermath of the Manchester Arena attack meaning event producers and other businesses will need to have more professional security officers who are specially trained in order to prevent issues or to effectively deal with them should they occur. If proper private security recruitment cannot be actioned by these companies, then some events may simply not be able to happen by law.

Further to this, there are lots of crimes happening across the UK, with limited police resources available to deal with these as a direct result of cuts to the forces. According to the Home Office, unverified reports that are not an ‘immediate’ grade assault or verified threat to life or property will not be responded to immediately and will be within a two-hour window by which time damage will have already been done. All of these factors are leading to the growing demand for private security such as manned guarding, CCTV monitoring and more.

How Are Firms Filling Their Private Security Job Vacancies?

Alongside more competitive pay rates in light of the ‘great resignation’ by workers, security firms are looking to do more to help make private security recruitment easier for their business – and better for their potential employees.

Private security is a great option for individuals who are great team players. The training is a commitment however it’s one that can provide a wealth of opportunities, with candidates being able to develop a real professional service to help protect the general public.

If you’re interested in joining a private security firm and want to discuss more about the requirements, check out our latest private security job vacancies or get in touch on 0800 093 0001 to talk to a member of our team today.

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