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How Schools Can Improve Their Grounds For Maximum Safety And Enjoyment

As schools return, there is a lot of pressure on staff and governors, as well as the parents to ensure that their children remain safe. Not only is there the health risk of Covid-19 and the spread of the disease throughout schools, but there are also several security risks, both physical and digital that also need to be accounted for. But what are the best security measures to implement if you want to limit the risk as much as possible?

The Importance Of On-SiteSchool Security Measures

As children return to school, it is in the best interest of the school to ensure that students are met with a safe environment in which they can learn. With many school security measures to opt for, there is more pressure for on-site security protocols for schools particularly those that are positioned in the centre of much larger town centres and inner cities. With many risks that could take place throughout the school day, such as students being approached or leaving to head to the shops when they should be in lessons, trespassers on site, prevention of access to the dark web, playground aggression or contraband being brought on site, it is important to make sure that you have good security protocol established, whether that be through cybersecurity, CCTV, scanners or manned guarding.

As a result of these risks, many school campuses have increased their use of security cameras on the school grounds, to monitor areas, as well as ensure the safety of the students, should an incident occur. According to recent reports, it is estimated that 85% of secondary schools in the UK leave their security cameras in operation even when the students are not in school. As a result of these security measures, there have been several rules and regulations put in place to ensure that security protocols are being met without disregarding the privacy of both staff and students.  

Protecting Students With First Aid And Fire Alarm And Vacation Plans

In addition to the issues taking place on campus, many schools are opting for security measures to ensure the safety of students and staff in the event of a fire or evacuation procedure. With tests for fire alarms, as well as guidance in getting children out of the college or school in a timely fashion, many schools and colleges have enlisted the help of professional security teams to ensure that fire safety drills and other emergencies have clear protocol.

In addition to this, private security firms can install school security software to accurately ensure the safety of both students and staff. As part of this software and training, they can maintain visitors and suppliers’ logs, monitor entry and access control and even post and delivery management for those on the front desk. Investing in school security measures such as this could play a huge role in improving general security and child safety within the school.

Why Should You Improve Security In Schools With School Security Software?

As children return to school, many schools are under pressure to ensure that Covid testing is being handled. However, this does not mean that the safety of the students should be compromised. Though you may already have some school security software in place, investing in additional measures such as CCTV and bag checks may be a benefit to you when it comes to ensuring a secure learning environment.

With almost 20 years of experience in professional school security, there are several ways that our team can help you. Get in touch with us, to find out more.

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