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The Rise of Vehicle Theft in London: Tips to Protect Your Car

Vehicle theft, particularly in London, is common, which is why it’s important to take preventative measures to protect and secure your vehicle, day and night. Fortunately, there are several, low cost, car security measures you can take to ensure the ongoing safety of your car, motorcycle, or other mode of transport. In our latest blog post, we explain more about vehicle theft in London and effective car security measures to prevent car theft. 


Understanding The Rise Of Vehicle Theft In London

Vehicle theft in London has been an ongoing problem for several years. Common methods used by thief’s include keyless entry hacks and physical break-ins, both of which can be carried out quietly and discreetly and even more so in the nighttime. To protect your vehicle, it’s beneficial to consider the types of vehicle break in deterrents available to invest to abstain rising to a damaged, or worse, stolen, vehicle. Installing CCTV monitoring outside your home or place of residence is an effective solution, providing a visible security presence that can deter potential thieves. At the same time, CCTV monitoring also enables video recording, which may can provide evidence in the unfortunate event of vehicle theft.


Preventing Car Theft: Common Targets

One of the most popular preventative measures to protect your car is to install a vehicle tracking system and use a wheel lock or other physical barrier to make it impossible for potential thieves to gain entry. This applies when parking your vehicle at home, and elsewhere. If you are required to leave your car elsewhere during the day or overnight, such as on the roadside or an unfamiliar parking facility, make sure it is well-lit and secure. This will discourage thieves as there is a higher risk that the will be seen.


Preventative Car Security Measures

A further step to prevent car theft includes enhancing its existing security system such as by upgrading alarms. In addition to strengthening your vehicles overall security system, upgrading your car alarm may enable advanced features like remote access and GPS tracking, providing you with an additional security layer at no extra cost. Speaking of costs, through upgrading your vehicles alarm or security system, you may be entitled to insurance discounts. It’s beneficial to discuss this with your insurer beforehand to ensure your security system is approved by them and what the benefits are.


Car Security Tips To Enhance Safety

Ultimately, regardless of how you choose to protect your vehicle, doing so will offer greater peace of mind compared to leaving it unprotected. Importantly, never leave personal belongings in your car overnight. Doing so increases the risk of a break in, especially if they are left on display or if it’s made obvious there is something of value in the car. If you really must leave something in your vehicle overnight, make sure it is well hidden and secured either under a seat or in the boot, out of sight from passersby. It only takes a split second to carry out a vehicle a break in, so you want to make sure yours is disguised as best as possible.


London Auto Theft Prevention


There are many London auto theft prevention steps to take to enhance the safety of your vehicle both on and off the road. By implementing these vehicle security measures, you will effectively deter potential thieves and ensure your car’s continued safety. This is especially beneficial if you depend on your car for commuting or other commitments. Dealing with a stolen car can be stressful, particularly if you don’t have additional protection such asmanned guardingat your home or workplace to prevent these types of instances from occurring.


Are you looking for reliablepersonal protectionor another form of security? At1st Class Protection, we offer a wide range of private security solutions across London. To hear more about our services, get in touch with a member of our expert team on 0800 093 0001 today or complete the contact form on our website.

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