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Staying Safe on London's Public Transport

Navigating London’s public transport system can seem daunting, particularly if it’s your first time visiting the city. However, there’s far more to London’s public transport system than its renowned underground. London also has an extensive network of buses, trams, and overground trains that are designed to make travel across the city more easily and quickly. Like anywhere, it’s important to understand safe travel in London and the public transport security measures in place ensure you know what to do if you find yourself in an unforeseen situation,  


Understanding London Public Transport Safety

When it comes to safe travel in London, few of us consider the public transport security measures in place until we need them. But understanding London public transport safety in advance will ensure you have a pleasant journey from start to finish. While personal protection and manned guarding is available for those who require the physical presence of a security guard. For other solutions, see what services 1st Class Protection offer.


London Transportation Safety Tips

Staying safe on public transport is paramount, especially in a busy city such as London. The first step to safe travel in London, is to always be away of your surroundings and take extract care when protecting your belongings. One way you can do this is by choosing to use a bag that can be secured shut with a zip, instead of a button. If you are wearing a backpack, consider using a padlock to ensure the items inside can’t be accessed when your back is turned. It’s also important to refrain from using your phone in a way that may attract unwanted attention. If you do need to use your mobile device, opt to do so inside of a shop or somewhere you are able to do so privately or with the security of CCTV monitoring.


Utilising Public Transport Security Measures

These days, London’s public transport security measures are more reliable than ever before. And they’re there to be utilised should you ever need them. If you feel uncomfortable or have found yourself in an unforeseen situation and need help, don’t be afraid to approach someone for support. This is especially true if you are traveling alone or at night. On many of London’s public transport networks, you will be able to find emergency alarms or help points which can be used in case of an incident. Knowing where these points are will ultimately help to ensure you attract the help you need. Transport for London also offers a text messaging service where you can report an issue discreetly during your journey. Simply text 61016.


Dealing with Unforeseen Situations

Even by taking the best precautions to safe travel in London, unforeseen situations can still occur. If you find yourself in a situation you didn’t plan, the best thing you can do is stay calm and consider your options. If you need assistance, there will be the opportunity to contact a member of staff on the platform if travelling by train, if not the train itself, or similar if you are travelling above ground.


If you are involved in or witness a crime, it’s important to report it as soon as possible. By doing so, you can make sure you and any other individuals involved get the assistance they require quickly.


It’s not uncommon for strikes to take place on London’s public transport either. Being aware of these in advance will help to ensure you travel plans aren’t disrupted by last-minute closures or delays elsewhere on the network as a result. Having a backup route pre-planned for your journey can be beneficial, ensuring your safety and on-time arrival.


Safe Travel In London

With new public transport security measures in London, travelling across the capital city has never been safer. With numerous touchpoints available throughout the capital to attract attention or help if it’s needed, you can travel from A to B in the knowledge that help is just a buzz, text message, or phone call away. At the same time, understanding how to respond to situations both calmly and effectively will also ensure safe travel in London.

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