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Why You Need Workplace Access Control

Access control systems are the go-to way to keep your workplace safe and secure for yourself, your employees and any visitors. Plus, workplace access control helps you keep your equipment and property protected from theft and damage. Access control systems are easy to install by using a professional security service, and the rewards are great. Not only will you be able to have peace of mind that your staff and premises are safe, but you will have a far better insight into the everyday operations of your business. Below, we list some of the main reasons you should install a workplace access control system.

Reduce the Risk of Intruders

If you manage a large company, it can be tricky to know who is in the building at all times – a person could be an employee, a vendor, a cleaner or someone who is just visiting for a meeting – it’s hard to keep track in a busy work environment. In this situation, it’s all too easy for an intruder to go unnoticed and threaten the safety of your staff and risk the loss of expensive equipment. By installing a workplace access control system, you can easily detect and prevent any signs of intruders by restricting the access to your site and building to anyone that is not authorized.

Monitor the Locations of Staff and Company Equipment

With a comprehensive CCTV security package, you can track the movement of staff, visitors and equipment on your premises. Knowing the whereabouts of employees and visitors is not only essential for spotting intruders but also in an emergency it provides a clear view of personnel still in the building as well as how many people should be accounted for.

When implementing a workplace access control system, you're also making life easier for yourself when it comes to staff timekeeping. The data from the access control system can record the time and date of when each key card/fob is used, helping you keep track of employee lateness or early leavers.

Control Access to Certain Areas

Workplace access control goes beyond protecting your property from intruders as you can also use it to control the access of your employees. Perhaps you want to restrict the personnel that can enter your personal office that has important documents, or you work on a site where some rooms are unsafe or hazardous, access control lets you pick and choose who can go where in your workplace. Plus, you will automatically have a history of entry for every entrance point.

Hassle-free Employee Turnover

Gone are the days where you need to change the locks every time an employee leaves your company. With a door access control system, you can immediately disable former employee key cards or pins and be notified of any attempts of access. Similarly, if an employee loses their key card or fob, you can remove the details from the system and easily have them added to a new card, unlike the expense and time-consuming task of replacing a key.

Remote Access

As it seems working from home is here to stay, there’s no better time to implement a workplace access control system. With sites, offices and buildings likely to be left unattended during lockdown, this can leave your equipment and any essential staff still working vulnerable. By using control access systems, you can safely work from home with peace of that no one will be entering your workplace without your authorisation.

 At 1st Class Protection, our comprehensive corporate surveillance services provide the full package including CCTV installation, door access control systems, intercom systems and more. To learn more about how we can help the safety and security of your workplace, please contact us today.

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