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The Benefits Of An SIA Trained Caretaker In Schools

Finding a simple, cost-effective way of improving school security measures can be a challenge, especially when budgets are tight. However, professional security companies could be the answer in providing a range of benefits by way of a security-trained caretaker, at a budget that suits and without compromising on quality.

Quality And Experience That You Can Trust

When looking to invest in the improvement of school security measures it is important to make sure that you are looking for high quality and depth of experience that the school security company provides. School security measures are an integral part of not only the safety of the students but also the safety of the staff, visitors and the daily operations of the school. CCTV as well as Firt Aid and Fire Safety via school securitystaff training are some of the ways that you can begin to improve the security at school. Couple these with an experienced SIA security-trained caretaker, and you can feel more secure on site without necessarily spending any more than you already do.

Improved Security On School Grounds

When looking to increaseschool security measures you often think of the more invasive measures such as CCTVhowever, with the use of an SIA-trained member of staff, this can benefit you in the long term and improve school security overall. By working with a security company, you will benefit from experienced staff that are able to plan personalised Assignment Instructions for all likely threats that your school might face.

Your SIA Caretaker will be trained to perform all site duties as normal but with the added benefit of being instinctively vigilant against potential threats and trained in how to act should any danger arise. Your caretaker will be a First Aider and be trained in fire safety and health and safety, all adding to the package of benefits that the unique role provides.


Money SavingSchool Security Measures 

The final benefit that can come from using an SIA trained caretaker is the money-saving aspect. With many security measures, such as CCTV being quite costly, having the combined role of both a caretaker and a security guard is one of the many ways that you as a school can begin to save money. With the ability to look after the school grounds and perform caretaking duties, as well as ensure security measures are installed and followed: patrolling, access control, vetting and keeping records, for example, it allows you to save money, whilst actually improving the service you receive.

Interested in whether or not an SIA trained caretaker is the right option for your school or perhaps you want to make some changes to other school security measures, there are several different options out there for you to choose from. Contact us today for more information.

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