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Rules for CCTV in the Workplace: What You Need to Know

Installing a  CCTV camera system in important for the safety and security of your workplace. Whether you manage an office or a construction site, CCTV plays a key role in safeguarding your property and employees. The presence of CCTV alone is a deterrent for criminals looking to commit theft or violence, but in the event of an incident, the cameras provide comprehensive footage as evidence. CCTV cameras in the workplace also help spot any problems with health and safety, and in some cases, help managers monitor the productivity of their staff. Whilst security surveillance the workplace in crucial, there are some CCTV rules and regulations at work to understand, below we discuss some of the rules.

Paying a Data Protection Fee

When installing CCTV into your workplace, you must register your details with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and pay a data protection fee, unless you’re been told otherwise by the ICO. Every business that processes personal information will need to pay this fee, which can range from £40 to thousands, depending on the size and turnover of your business. If you fail to pay the data protection fee, you will likely face a hefty fine for breaching the CCTV at work rules.

Telling Your Employees

When trying to comply with CCTV rules and regulations at work, transparency with your employees is important, you must let them know they are being recorded on CCTV and the reasons why. You can inform your employees by sending out an email, including the required information in their contracts, or by adding signage in and around your premises. You have to be honest regarding the reasons why you are installing a CCTV camera system; for instance, if you stated the reason was to deter crime, but you use it to monitor and assess employee productivity, this can lead to a breach of trust, confidence and even claims of unfair constructive dismissal. However, if you suspect an employee is breaking the law, you can monitor staff without their knowledge, as part of an investigation.

Storing CCTV Footage 

CCTV footage is covered under GDPR, so it should be stored securely and only accessible to those with authorisation. To follow CCTV at work regulations, every business should have a nominated person to control and secure the footage, with no one else having access unless it has been requested and granted. Under GDPR, employees can request a copy of any footage relating to them, which will need to be provided within one calendar month. You should not keep CCTV footage for longer than necessary. Once the purpose of the CCTV footage is complete, it should be deleted.

Where to Install the Cameras

CCTV camera systems cannot be installed in any area considered private, including toilets and changing rooms. Similarly, you must not install ‘hidden cameras’ anywhere in your workplace, unless there are suspected criminal activities. Any covert monitoring of employees should be given a specific time frame and be backed up by an investigation.Security companies can help you install CCTV cameras in your workplace to provide you with the greatest amount of vision, without breaching the privacy of your employees. 

If you want to learn more about how CCTV camera systems can increase the safety and security of your workplace, and the rules for CCTV in the workplace, please contact us today, and our expert team will be happy to help. 

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