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School Security Problems And Solutions: Keeping Children Safe In Education

School security problems in the UK

Educational institutions across the UK face a number of internal and external threats on a daily basis, which can create anxiety for teachers, parents and the wider community. Whether it’s contraband, intrusion or violence, school security problems can happen at almost any time and affect a large number of people.

It is becoming increasingly more common that schools and other educational establishments are seeking help in the form of professional services to help put school security protocols in place. With a thorough plan and a set of established school security measures, young people can be safeguarded and some of society’s most vulnerable people can be protected.

A large percentage of the work we do is with schools and colleges across London, including many faith schools who attract an increased risk, making us somewhat experienced in school security. Here we have outlined some common school security problems in the UK today and our solutions for them.

Intruders or unwelcome visitors

In the case of an intruder or unwelcome visitor, the first port of call should be to secure entrances and exits. Using CCTV surveillance is a great way to see who is coming and going from the school grounds, and keeps you one step ahead of an unwanted guest. This is one of the simplest school security measures and can also help with preventing bullying, reducing truancies and monitoring storage areas.

1st Class Protection offer a manned guard service, too, with thoroughly vetted, screened and trained school security guards in line with the UK school security policy. They can be positioned at reception, mange parking, control entry and access, or patrol perimeters. If you want to learn more about our school security guards, please read our school security page.


From trading cards to music players, and from alcohol to pocket knives, contraband comes in many forms. Depending on your rules and restrictions on what students can bring into school, it is paramount to have contraband measures within your school security protocols. While some items can cause disruption and distractions, others can cause serious harm to students, teachers and other members of staff.

To help combat banned and illicit items, we can offer search procedures, and suspicious package identification with or without X-ray scanners. Following the UK school security policy as outlined by the government, if a headteacher or an authorised member of staff has reason to believe that a student has brought a prohibited item into the building, a search can be carried out and will be done so by a trained school security professional.


Whether it is from a student, parent or disgruntled member of staff, violence has no place on a school’s grounds. 1st Class Protection are proud to offer first aid, incident reporting and fast-action responses to emergency situations through our school security guards. These highly trained guards have an in-depth knowledge of likely threats and the most efficient ways to react and diffuse tensions before they increase, doing all in their power to prevent any form of violence in your school.

If you would like to learn more about school security measures, how we can update your school security protocols and how our services can improve the safety of your school, please contact us today and our team will be happy to help.

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